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Banner Installation Application

Vertical and Horizontal Banners on Fourth Street

The Pole and Horizontal Banner Locations are for banners that advertise events that are of general interest to the public and are conducted within City limits by a non-profit organization. The City install banners for three-week periods and we are unable to  install for partial periods or prorate installation fees.


Horizontal banners hang from one side of Fourth Street to the other side on the West and East ends.  Each banner location is $360 for a three-week period.  Choose your locations below.


Pole banners hang vertically from light poles on Fourth Street and each banner location is $60 for a three-week period. Choose the locations of your poles below, and note that you may choose the sidewalk and /or the street side of each pole location. 


Please fill out the entire form and we will contact you to confirm your reservation and to take payment, which may be sent via check or paid via credit card over the phone by calling (415) 485-3333.

Banner Guidelines

Refer to this document for guidelines and specifications on how to design your banners.

Take a look here for the different session dates

Banner Sessions

  • Contact Information

  • Banner Selection. NOTE: Please place N/A in the fields that are not applicable to your request.

  • Select Horizontal Banner Locations and Sessions | $360 each location for a 3-week period.

    Please Note: Session dates are date of installation to date of removal. Multiple 3-week periods are allowed but we are unable to offer partial period installations or prorated fees.
  • Horizontal Banner
  • Select Vertical Banner Pole Locations | Choose Street and /or Sidewalk sides of Pole | $60 each location for a 3-week period.

    Please Note: Session dates are date of installation to date of removal. Multiple 3-week periods are allowed but we are unable to offer partial period installations or prorated fees.
  • Horizontal Banner
  • Please indicate the vertical pole locations below by choosing the STREET and/or SIDEWALK sides of the pole. Please note that the following poles are dedicated to City of San Rafael Parking Services and are not available for the banner program. Pole Numbers: 3228 at SR Rare Coin | 674 at D’Lynnne’s | 681 at B of A | 691 at Salon B | 699 at (Vacant)
  • Total Price

  • Acknowledgements and Signature

  • Name and consent

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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