The City Council will also review a report on the City’s revenues and expenditures including some recommendations for extending the funding of two additional police officers through Fiscal Year 2018-19. This also includes some staffing reorganizations, mostly in the Public Works department to better address shared resources, emergency response, and upcoming retirements. READ STAFF REPORT
On Monday evening the City Council will hold appoint a new Vice-Mayor for 2018. This responsibility rotates each year among the four Councilmembers. In addition, the City Council will make 2018 appointments for serving on various boards and committees. LEARN MORE
Tired of all the waste from the holidays? If you are, there are number of ways you can reduce your waste by (1) shopping locally, (2) giving the gift of experiences and (3) ditching gift wrap and using alternative wrapping materials like gift bags, tins or baskets. Remember, gift wrap is not recyclable so look … Continued
This week, we reviewed the results of the Business Retention and Expansion interview findings, which were gathered by the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce. We learned that the business environment in San Rafael is going well, but some concerns exist surrounding issues largely beyond local control, such as long commute times. Other highlights include that the economy continues … Continued
Last week, the City received a letter from a Malibu-based attorney challenging San Rafael’s at-large election structure based on an alleged history of “racially polarized voting.” Following a study session on November 20, the City Council will continue the conversation about district-based elections and the City’s options on how to proceed. The topic is planned to be … Continued
On November 8, 2016, the voters of the State of California enacted Proposition 64 to allow for non-medical/recreation adult-use. On Monday evening, the City Council will consider an ordinance regulating commercial cannabis activity in San Rafael city limits. The proposed law will allow a limited number of certain types of commercial operations, as well as … Continued
General Plans have been called the blueprint for the community’s future. At their Monday meeting, the City Council will appoint members to a steering committee to oversee the development of the General Plan 2040. The multi-year planning process will help us develop a vision of what we all want San Rafael to be in 2040. READ … Continued
Also on Monday evening, the City Council will review the environmental clearance for a multi-use pathway along the SMART rail line south of Second Street. This is an important section of the pedestrian and bicycle connection from Downtown to the Cal-Park tunnel and Larkspur ferry. READ THE STAFF REPORT
Working closely with the City, the County of Marin incorporated a portion of the City’s Promenade Plan and Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan concepts into its design for the Civic Center Drive project. At Monday night’s meeting City Council will consider vacating an unneeded portion of the City’s Civic Center Drive right-of-way in order to … Continued
Each year, we recognize a member of the community for their contributions in making San Rafael an amazing place to live and work. If you know someone you believe is worthy of this recognition, please consider nominating them! Nominations are due January 3rd. NOMINATE SOMEONE Citizen of the Year 2017 Tamra Peters and Bill Carney