350 Merrydale Town Home Development
APN: | 179-041-27 and 28 |
Address: | 350 Merrydale Road / 3833 Redwood Highway
San Rafael, Marin County, California, |
Project Numbers: | ZC19-002/UP18-039/ED18-1010/TS18-006 |
Applicant: | Campus Properties, Michael Hooper
(415) 298-7571 mhooper@campusproperty.com |

Project Description
The project consists of a mixture of 45 for-sale town homes and stacked flats, and a multi-purpose community room, on an approximate 2.28-acre site. The Project site has primary access from Merrydale Road and secondary access from Redwood Highway. A new T-shaped private road will link Merrydale Road with Redwood Highway.
There are 41 three-story town homes proposed and four stacked flats in five different building types. A total of nine buildings will range from four to eight units. Building 4 will include four stacked flats over parking at one end, and over parking and the Community Room at the other end. The project will provide 20% of the units (nine units) for sale to persons of Low and Moderate Income earning 50-80% and 80-120% respectively of the Area Wide Median Income adjusted for family size. Five (5) units will be affordable to persons of Low Income and four (4) units affordable to persons of Moderate Income.
The Project has generally been oriented to the north and west to take advantage of the view opportunities and to provide an landscaped Merrydale Road street frontage, and to promote usage of the creek area via a dual-purpose Creek Promenade. This orientation
has the additional advantage of limited exposure to the freeway and providing a noise block to the adjacent Rafael Meadows neighborhood.
The Merrydale Road frontage will be improved with new curb, gutter, sidewalk and landscaping providing for nine street parking spaces. In addition to the new Merrydale Road sidewalk, pedestrian access will be available along the Creek Promenade and Private Street A and Private Street B providing continuous pedestrian access from Redwood Highway to Merrydale Road. Primary vehicular access will be from Merrydale Road via a two-way street (Private Street A), and from Redwood Highway via a two-way street (Private Street B). All sides of each building will be within 150 feet (fire hose pull length) of any parked fire apparatus equipment. At least one side of each building will have an eave height not to exceed 30 feet. Therefore, no aerial ladder fire truck access will be necessary.
Project Plans
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Documents
Consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City has prepared a Initial Study, Mitigated Negative Declaration and published a notice of intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration. There is a 30 day public comment period on the Mitigated Negative Declaration, commencing on Friday November 8, 2019 and ending at the Planning Commission hearing on Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 7pm.
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
Current Status