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2020 Low-Income Senior Homeowner Exemption

Posted on April 2, 2020


MERA Announces 2020 Low-Income Senior Homeowner Exemption Applications

A Process for Income Qualified Seniors to Claim an Exemption from MERA’s Parcel Tax

Qualified low-income seniors in Marin County are eligible to file for a tax exemption from a parcel tax that supports the County’s next-generation emergency radio system. This exemption must be applied for annually, so anyone who qualified for this exemption this past year, must re-apply again.

In November 2014, Marin County voters approved Measure A, a parcel tax measure to fund the Marin Emergency Radio Authority’s Next Generation Public Safety Radio System.

One item included in the measure was the ability of income-qualified senior homeowners to file for an exemption from the parcel tax.


To qualify for a low-income senior exemption for the Measure A parcel tax for a single-family residence, you must (1) be 65 years of age or older by December 31, 2020, (2) own and occupy your residence, and (3) not have earned a total annual household income of more than $90,450 in 2019.


The deadline to file a low-income senior exemption application for the 2020-2021 tax year is June 1, 2020. The exemption must be renewed annually.


Applications for exemption and additional details are available at: www.meraonline.org – Look for the Quick Links section on the Home page.
Applications have also been made available to all 25 member agencies for distribution as well.

If you have questions about the parcel tax exemption, please contact NBS at (800) 676-7516 or at customercare@nbsgov.com.

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