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2019 Pt San Pedro Medians Landscaping RFP

Posted on May 3, 2019

Pt San pedro medians

Link to full 2019 Pt San Pedro Medians Landscaping Request for Proposals (RFP)

The City of San Rafael (City) hereby requests proposals for routine landscape maintenance.  It is the intent of the City to hire a fully-licensed landscaping contractor that is duly registered and licensed with either a C61 or C27 license in the State of California.  Services shall include routine landscape maintenance on all medians located on Point San Pedro Road and Third Street between Union Street and Biscayne Drive. Work will include: pruning, removing weeds, litter and leaves, removing broken branches and sucker growth from trees, replacing bark mulch, irrigation inspection and repair, herbicide application and other assignments as required.

Proposals shall be submitted by businesses that have a capable and demonstrable performance in the type of work described in this Request for Proposals document, including all Attachments (hereafter together referred to as the “RFP”).  In addition, all interested businesses shall have sufficient, readily available resources, in the form of trained personnel, support services and financial resources to carry out the work without delay or shortcomings.

The Contractor will be required to perform and complete landscape maintenance by providing all labor, tools, transportation, equipment, materials, and supplies necessary to complete all work. Work must be completed in a professional, thorough and timely manner, in accordance with the standards and specifications as contained in this RFP.

The term of the initial contract will be one year. At the City’s discretion, the contract can be extended twice for a period not to exceed two (2) years each time upon proper authorization by the Parties.

The City shall retain the lowest responsible and responsive bidder (See Attachment A – Bid Proposal).

Interested businesses are invited to submit proposals in accordance with the requirements of this RFP summarized in Section 7. The proposals shall be submitted to the City of San Rafael Public Works Department, 111 Morphew Street, San Rafael, California 94901 Attn: Talia Smith on or before Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 10:00 a.m.  Electronic submission of a complete proposal on or before the deadline is also permissible. Electronic submissions may be sent to

Link to full 2019 Pt San Pedro Medians Landscaping Request for Proposals (RFP)

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