Uncontrolled Crossing Evaluation and Prioritization

Posted on February 22, 2019


The Traffic Division is completing an assessment of uncontrolled crossings throughout the City and we will be chipping away at improvements now through summertime. An uncontrolled crosswalk is anywhere there is a marked crosswalk and cross traffic does not have to stop except for when a pedestrian is present. In this initial assessment, we studied 50 locations which included gathering conflicting vehicle and bicycle volumes, pedestrian volumes, speeds of vehicles, street lighting, distance to schools, and available stopping sight distance. Then, we ranked them against each other to come up with a priority list. Fifty locations are a lot to cover so we wanted to come up with a systematic approach! Improvements were identified for each location ranging from basic signing and striping, or more enhanced measures that might include curb bulb-outs and rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs), to specialty treatments like a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB). Over the next six months, the signing, striping and line of sight clearances will be addressed. There are significant improvements that will be prioritized and programmed within the Capital Investment Program. Staff will always seek outside funding grants for these types of improvements as well.

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