1/11/2019 – SRP Update: Sun Valley Construction Week 3

Posted on January 11, 2019


This week the Sidewalk Repair Program enters its third week of construction. The City, Van Midde and Son Concrete, Urban Forestry Associates, Jorge’s Tree Service and the property owners have all been getting in the swing of the new program, working in tandem to remove sidewalk, curb and gutter, evaluate and remove tree roots, and pour new sidewalk. To date, construction has been completed at 6 properties totaling 931 square feet of new sidewalk, and we are currently under construction at 9 properties. Per the neighborhood by neighborhood schedule outlined in the 11/29/18 SRP Update (sent out to all property owners in the program), construction is starting in Sun Valley. Property owners are notified individually two weeks prior to construction at their property, and weekly updates with the properties scheduled up next have been posted at www.cityofsanrafael.org/sidewalks. The rainy weather – while good for our reservoirs, is bad for concrete pouring, so we’ve experienced some minor delays so far with the recent storms.

At our anticipated pace of about 1000 square feet per week, Van Midde and Son Concrete estimates that it will take six months to get through all 190+ properties in the 2018 program, so our hope is to roll right into construction on the 2019 program on the tail end of 2018 construction! We’ve been getting the word out about next year’s program by posting “City of San Rafael Sidewalk Repair Program” signs at construction locations, and have gotten a number of property owners to fill out the online form to be notified when the 2019 program opens. So, we are hopeful that the 2019 program will make as big of an impact in San Rafael as the first year of the program.

Follow all the latest program updates, including a progress chart updated weekly at www.cityofsanrafael.org/sidewalks

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