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📸 Snapshot: City Council meeting, holiday closures, new statewide parking laws — and more!

Posted on December 12, 2024

Snapshot En Espanol 

San Rafael City Council Meeting Highlights

San Rafael City Council

On Monday, the City of San Rafael will hold a City Council meeting at City Hall, 1400 Fifth Avenue. The Special Meeting will begin at 5:30, with the Regular Meeting beginning at 6:00 PM.


  • Special Meeting: Begins at 5:30 PM in the Council Chambers, to adopt the November 5, 2024 General Election Results, and hold a ceremony to swear-in newly elected officials.

  • Regular Meeting: Begins at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers.

  • City Manager and Councilmember Reports: Reports from the City Manager and Councilmembers, including updates on meetings and conferences attended.

  • Consent Calendar: Approval of minutes from the December 2, 2024 meeting; adopt Northgate Town Square Project Ordinance; authorization of funding for additional environmental consulting services for the Northgate Mall Redevelopment Project; authorization of a contract with Emanuels Jones and Associates for legislative advocacy services; amendment and approval of the City Manager and Fire Chief’s employment agreements; award of a construction agreement for improvements to the Peacock Gap Park Playground.

  • Special Presentations: Proclamations honoring the City of San Rafael’s 150 Year Anniversary, the Fire Department’s 150th Anniversary, and supporting Shop San Rafael.

  • Public Hearings: Downtown Business Improvement District (BID) Assessment Annual Renewal: Resolution confirming the BID’s 2024 Annual Report and Levy of Assessments for 2025.

  • Other Agenda Items: Elect the Vice Mayor and approve the City Council committee appointments for 2025.

Get Involved:

View the full agenda and watch the meeting online via Zoom or YouTube. Participate in person or submit public comments ahead of the meeting.

View the Agenda

🎉 San Rafael Celebrates 150 Years

Historical panorama of San Rafael

San Rafael is gearing up to mark its 150th anniversary through 2025, celebrating a legacy of history and community spirit. The celebration will kick off with a special proclamation by the City Council at the December 16th meeting.

This proclamation commemorates San Rafael’s history – dating back to its origins as an agricultural settlement, and evolution into the vibrant city we call home today. Throughout the next year, the City will commemorate San Rafael’s deep sense of community, leadership in environmental sustainability, and artistic expression. Most of all, the City will celebrate the countless contributions from residents, businesses, and public servants who have shaped San Rafael into a place of progress and community.

What’s next: Keep an eye out for a series of celebrations throughout 2025, honoring the city’s rich history and looking forward to its bright future.

Read the Proclamation

🏗 Northgate Mall Redevelopment Approved

Northgate Mall Redevelopment Image

The San Rafael City Council approved the redevelopment plans for the Northgate Mall, which will feature 1,422 residences, shops, and restaurants.

Why it matters: This major project aligns with San Rafael’s long-term vision for housing and development, addressing both residential needs and commercial opportunities.

What’s next: The second reading of the project approval is on the consent calendar for the December 16th City Council meeting. If confirmed, demolition is scheduled to begin in 2025.

Share your voice: To learn more or submit questions to the project developers, please email info@futurenorthgatemall.com.

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🚦 California’s New Parking Law

Diagram showing new parking law

Due to a new statewide “Daylighting Law” (Assembly Bill 413), it is now illegal in California to park within 20 feet of the approach to any marked or unmarked crosswalk.

What is the purpose of the new law? AB413 aims to enhance pedestrian safety at intersections by removing parked cars that obstruct views. Although AB 413 is a statewide law, it supports San Rafael’s goal of eliminating traffic-related fatalities and severe injuries.

What you need to know:

  • Prior to January 1, 2025, the City of San Rafael will only issue warnings for violations, and will not issue citations, unless the violation occurs in an area marked with paint or a sign.

  • From January 1, 2025, the City will begin issuing citations, whether or not signs or markings are present.

What’s Next: The City is evaluating long-term strategies to meet AB 413 requirements. Some potential options include red curb installation, additional “no parking” signs, designated loading zones, and bike racks.

More Details

🏠 San Rafael Protects Affordable Housing

Paloma Arms Apartments, 1400 Lincoln Ave

On December 2nd, the San Rafael City Council approved $250,000 to support Canal Alliance in acquiring Paloma Arms Apartments, protecting nine affordable housing units for low-income families. The City’s financial contribution also enabled a $450,000 grant award from the County of Marin’s Housing Trust Fund, which the Board of Supervisors approved on December 10th.

Why it matters: Housing and homelessness are two of the City Council’s policy focus areas. Preserving existing affordable housing prevents homelessness and helps ensure San Rafael residents can continue to live in the community they call home.

Details: The nine-unit building at 1400 Lincoln Avenue will have rents capped at 60% of Marin County’s Area Median Income. Canal Alliance has also secured additional funding from a variety of sources, including the Marin Community Foundation and La Raza Development Fund.

🎨 Public Art in Downtown San Rafael

CELEBRATE Art Works Downtown executive director Elisabeth Setten (left) and artist Raylene Gorum recently attended an opening reception for Gorum’s ‘Civic Wave’ installation.

Art Works Downtown executive director Elisabeth Setten (left) and artist Raylene Gorum in front of ‘Civic Wave’ installation. Photo courtesy of Art Works Downtown.

San Rafael unveiled a new public art installation, Civic Wave, at 1001 4th Street, during the annual Winter Wonderland event. Created by nationally renowned visual artist Raylene Gorum, Civic Wave adapts shapes from the Marin County Civic Center to create a modernist interpretation of stained glass. Pedestrians who approach are washed in colorful light and might recognize the Frank Lloyd Wright elements (the gates, the atriums, the exterior ellipses) that make up the patterns in the piece.

The big picture: Downtown San Rafael is one of fourteen designated California Arts Districts. “Civic Wave” is the latest installation as part of the City’s continued investment in enhancing San Rafael’s cultural landscape with public art.

Dive in: For more on this project and San Rafael’s evolving arts scene, check out a recent Pacific Sun article, published December 3, 2024: San Rafael’s Art Scene Enters New Era.

🌿 Community Gardeners Boost Local Food Security

Artichokes from the Terra Linda Community Garden

The Terra Linda Community Gardeners shared their bountiful harvest by donating over 425 lbs. of fresh produce to the Marin Food Bank. This initiative strengthens San Rafael’s community bonds and supports local food security, demonstrating the power of collective efforts and volunteerism in driving positive change. Thank you to our dedicated volunteers who led this initiative, Shirley Fischer and Glenda Glass.

Fresh produce: The donations included a variety of homegrown vegetables such as tomatoes, zucchini, and peppers, enhancing the Marin Food Bank’s ability to offer nutritious food to those in need.

Get engaged: San Rafael has two community gardens, located in the Canal neighborhood and in Terra Linda. Garden plots are rented annually, beginning in January. Join the waitlist for one today!

Join a Garden

🏠 California Property Tax Relief

A woman working at a standing desk. There is a laptop in front of her and she's writing down something on a notepad.

The California Property Tax Postponement (PTP) Program helps eligible homeowners defer property taxes on their primary residence. This program provides financial relief to low-income seniors and homeowners with disabilities.

Eligibility: Applicants must be at least 62 years old or be a person with a disability; have a household income of $53,574 or less; and have at least 40% equity in their property.

Details: The program charges 5% interest annually, placing a lien on the property until the account is paid. Applications are accepted from October 1 to February 10. Repayment is required upon property sale, title transfer, or other specified conditions.

Learn more: For further details, visit the State Controller’s website or contact their team at (800) 952-5661.

Learn More

🎁 Financial Support for Families

Moscow, Red Square, GUM

The holiday season can be a challenging time for many, and if you’re seeking additional support, the Adopt A Family program can help with rent assistance, utility payments, and more. If you’re in a position to give, consider donating warm coats or making a financial contribution to assist families in need this season and throughout the year.

Get Assistance: Marin County residents with at least one child under 18 are eligible for emergency financial assistance. Reach out soon, as Adopt A Family offices will be closed from 12/21—1/5. Spanish-speaking case managers are available.

Support your neighbors: If you would like to support a family in need, you can donate new, warm coats to the Adopt A Family office, or make a financial donation to support families throughout the year. Double your impact through December 31st with a matching donation from the Allen Family Fund.

More Information

🎄 City Holiday Closures

Twinkly lights on boats during the San Rafael Canal Lighted Boat Parade

Photo credit to the Ruby Bridges Foundation

City Hall and other offices will be closed to the public from December 23 to January 3, but appointments are available upon request. Non-public safety services will resume on January 6, 2025.

Public Safety: Essential operations, including fire, paramedic, and police functions, remain fully staffed. Please call 911 in an emergency for a 24/7 response.

Library Branches: All San Rafael Public Library branches will close from December 23 to January 4, with the Pickleweed Library closing on December 21.

🎉📆 Exciting Upcoming Events

Movie Night

Join us for these upcoming events in San Rafael:

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